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[CQ-Contest] Quite possibly the youngest team ever assembled!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Quite possibly the youngest team ever assembled!
From: kr6x@kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Thu Aug 14 22:38:39 2003
Well, the West Valley Amateur Radio Club, WA6LXN/6, won the Field Day
4A class competition with a median age that was perhaps a year or two
back in 1969...

And we weren't trying to assemble a young group -- it just happened
that way.

----- Original Message -----
From: <ke9r@ke9r.com>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:15 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Quite possibly the youngest team ever assembled!

> KU5B, KE9R, LU1FAM, K3OOO, and AF4QZ are happy to announce quite
> the youngest YL & YM team to ever be assembled for radiosport!
> A Princes and Four Lids !!
> We've all read up on Chapter 10 of Jim's big book of contesting and
> pumped full of ENTHUSIASM and MOTIVATION. We are pretty sure we will
> but if we don't, we're entirely sure we will shower the bands with
> style and crispness than you OM ops have seen for quite a long time.
> We have assembled a webpage, a point of rally, a call to arms at:
> http://ke9r.com/lids_start_young/
> There you can enjoy some pre-contest tunes to pump up with, along
> our lovely bios. Be noted however that our operating plans are being
> closely guarded and all that will be known until 18 hour hits the
> is that all the YM ops will be raising the King and sending 'Elvis'
> along with their respective locations. Our lovely YL op will be
> an appropriate 'Princess'. We understand if you feel a need to
> the King during your exchange with us. We entirely expect that and
> adjusted for it.
> So, as Adam would say, y'all get on and work us! We'll be the
> of the next generation which will take care of you OM ops when you
> old, when you need us to turn the amp on for you!
> Median age is 18. Collective ages are: KU5B 15, KE9R 23, LU1FAM 22,
> K3OOO 13, and AF4QZ 20.
> 73's from all of the team,
> de Greg KE9R
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>     The world's top contesters battle it out in Finland!
> THE OFFICIAL FILM of WRTC 2002 now on professional DVD and VHS!
>        http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~jamesb/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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