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[CQ-Contest] Noon Saturday, 1600 Zulu, BE THERE! Get somethng forFREE!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Noon Saturday, 1600 Zulu, BE THERE! Get somethng forFREE!
From: k4oj@tampabay.rr.com (Jim White, K4OJ)
Date: Fri Apr 25 10:38:23 2003
It is now Friday morning, April 25, 2003 here in Florida....

By now you might have seen some e-mail mentioning the upcoming Florida 
QSO Party, well... it starts tomorrow, and runs on Sunday, too.

As I type there are Florida stations getting ready for the FQP.  Some 
are mobiles, some are fixed stations - some plan on phone operation, 
some plan cw and some will do both!

Some are checking their oil and kicking the tires - some are checking 
the rotator headings and marking the presets on their rigs.

One thing all these Florida hams have in common is their desire to work 
as many of you as possible this weekend during the Florida QSO Party.

Floridians send RS(T) and County - outside of Florida and in the US or 
VE you send RS(T) and your State/Province or country - DX entries send 
RS(T) and DX.

The FQP starts at noon EST Saturday - that's 1600 Zulu... Please join 
us! Full details are on the FQP web page at  http://www.floridaqsoparty.org

Thanks in advance for the QSOs and I personally appreciate your 
indulgence with all the e-mail from me you have had to endure! I will 
give the keyboard here a rest now as I will be winding my way North to 
team up with my mobile team mate to activate the end of the Florida 
Panhandle and kill us a few Love Bugs - did you know it is actually in a 
different time zone?

IMPORTANT NOTE - The Florida Contest Group - sponsors of the FQP is now 
offering an award for working all Florida counties. Details on it can be 
found at


The WAF award will start effective with the beginning of the FQP this 
year, and as a special incentive the Florida contest Group will wave the 
entry fees for the WAF if you work all FL counties during this year's 
FQP, that right we will pick up the tab for the first qualifiers!  Go to 
this web site at eHam for details on the kickoff of the WAF


Clean Sweep the 67 Florida Counties in the Florida QSO Party this 
weekend only and you can get the WAF award for FREE!

Good Luck, and thanks from the Florida Contest Group.


Jim, K4OJ

AKA: Spameister OJ

FQP Promotion Manager - It's not just a job, it's and adventure!

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  • [CQ-Contest] Noon Saturday, 1600 Zulu, BE THERE! Get somethng forFREE!, Jim White, K4OJ <=