Hi all
see the attached mail below from Yaesu.com tech support. Anyone out there have
a DVS2 who is willing to do some simple tests for me?
I'm looking to add a monitor cct and it appears evrything I need is on the DVS2
socket at the rear of the FT990..
if the DVS2 records audio input from the microphone to it's local memory then
this audio must pop out of the VOICE OUT or IN pin...logically speaking!
Anyone with a DVS2 and 990/1000D willing to put a sets of cans on the above
pins while the DVS2 is running and note the state of the CTL pins 1 and 2...
73 F5VCO Team TM5C
PS.. for all those who requested feedback ...that's all I have so far!!
Hello Richard. Thanks for the email and sorry for the delay in getting back
to you. It is not true that the DVS-2 unit has a monitor function. I am not
sure where this came from but it just isn't there and there is no other
monitor function on the FT-990. Sorry I can't be of more help on this.
Best Regards,
Jerry Darby, N6UME
Technical Support
Amateur Products Division
Vertex Standard USA
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