Hi all,
I believe Kelly VE4XT has it right - just decline and explain nicely why =
you are declining without accusing them of grand larceny.
Remember - for them it was probably just a fun experiment in contesting. =
We all probably screwed up Big Time in our first two or three (or ???) =
contests and weren't tar and feathered for it. As a matter of fact, I =
recall thinking it would be fun to steal a frequency in my first phone =
SS - before even getting a license. Luckily, I was corrected on the =
spot. It probably requires many contests before the finer points of =
contesting ethics begin to matter to a beginner who is just trying to =
make QSOs in what sounds like utter chaos. The key to correcting the =
misconception about post-contest confirmations is education, not =
vitriol. I would like to see these folks come back enlightened, not =
driven away from contesting.
So what if it turns out to be some sleazy and underhanded Internet scam? =
You still won't have given out the information...
73, Ward N0AX
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