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[CQ-Contest] 80M DX window???

Subject: [CQ-Contest] 80M DX window???
From: k0hb@earthlink.net (KØHB)
Date: Mon Nov 18 17:21:09 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "K8KHZ-Sean Fleming" <sean@k8khz.com>

>     So, I look on to the next page the US Amatuer Bands Bandchat where I see
> US Extra hams are allowed phone from 3.750 to 4.000. This covers this small
> space. So in conclusion I asked if it was in use  and there was no reply. So
> called CQ. I was using it and there was no DX there before me. So, Just
> because that maybe it is the "DX Window" we shold all know frst to be there
> has the frequency untill it is relenquished.

You won't find "DX Window" defined in the FCC rules.  It's called a "Gentlemen's
Agreement" which in most of our minds has the same force and effect as Part 97.

With all kind wishes,

de Hans, K0HB

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