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[CQ-Contest] An Enticement for Contest Newbies

Subject: [CQ-Contest] An Enticement for Contest Newbies
From: hwardsil@centurytel.net (Ward Silver)
Date: Fri Nov 1 05:56:31 2002
I sent this out to our local new hams - maybe you have a local group that would 
benefit from a little encouragement to play...

73, Ward N0AX

Hi folks,

Some of you have expressed an interest in CW and this is the weekend to 
practice it.  The annual ARRL CW Sweepstakes runs from 1 PM on Saturday to 7 PM 
Sunday evening on 80 through 10 meters (not on 30, 17, or 12-meters).  While 
you might recoil in horror at the high code speeds, tune wayyyyyyy up in the 
bands and there will be some folks going nice and slow.  The Novice bands on 
80, 40, 15, and 10 meters often have a number of slow-speed stations hanging 
out up there.  Don't be afraid to jump in there and give 'em a call.  I 
*guarantee* your code speed will double with just a few hours at the key.

Here's how it works...

1) You hear somebody calling "CQ SS CQ SS de N0AX"
2) Send your call ONCE - "W7VMI" - don't send their call and don't send yours 
twice or three times.  If they don't copy your call on the first try, they'll 
send "AGN" or "?" or just CQ again.  So call 'em again.  If they're going too 
fast, send "QRS" and they'll slow down.
3) If they hear you, they'll send something like this - "W7VMI 107 A N0AX 53 
CO"  What the heck does that mean?
    - W7VMI is your call to let you know they're talking to you
    - 107 is the number of the contact in the contest for them (their next 
contact will be 108, etc.)
    - A is their entry class (low power) - there are A, B, M, Q, S, and U 
    - Then they send their call
    - 53 is the last two digits of the first year they were licensed - it's 
called a "check"
    - CO means Colorado, their ARRL Section (there are 80 - some are states, 
others aren't, all are two or three letters)
4) If you don't get it all, it's perfectly OK to send "QRS PSE, AGN" - which 
means "Slow down, send it again, please"
5) If you do get it - way to go!  Here's what you send...
    - Their call
    - The number this contact is in the contest for you - if it's your first 
send "1" and pat yourself on the back
    - Your class (QRP is Q, <150W is A, >150W is B, M is multioperator, S is a 
school club, and U is unlimited...don't ask)
    - Your call
    - The last two digits of the first year you were licensed - if you got your 
license last year, it's "01", for example
    - Your section, "WWA" for Western Washington, maybe, or "IL" for Illinois, 
or "PQ" for Province Quebec - ah, but oui!
6) If they don't get it, they may say...with a question mark, maybe...
    - "AGN" - send everything all over again
    - "NR" - repeat just the number a couple of times
    - "PREC" or just "PR" - repeat your class letter, it's called "precedence" 
for a number of reasons you don't care about
    - "CALL" - repeat your call (this is rare)
    - "CK" - repeat the two digits of the year, your check
    - "SEC" or "QTH" - repeat your section
7) They may ask YOU to QRS, you speed demon, so do it with a smile!
8) If they copy everything, they'll say a short "TU" (for thanks) or "R" (for 
Roger) or "QSL" (for received OK) and then just send their CQ or maybe just 
their call and away you both may go.
9) Sometimes, it just doesn't work out - QRM (interference) or QRN (static) or 
QSB (fading) or the cat could cough up a hairball on the rug requiring 
immediate action.  Don't take it personally, just go find somebody else to 
call.  It's a no-fault deal.
10) If you get tired of "Searching and Pouncing", then tighten your belt, mop 
your brow, cock your hat at a jaunty angle and call CQ!  It's easy - don't have 
a cow, man, just call "CQ SS CQ SS de W7VMI W7VMI" and listen, repeat if 
necessary.  Soon you'll get an answer.  Just play back the above steps with you 
as the call-ee.

What's the object?  Make as many contacts as you can.  Try to contact as many 
different sections as you can.  Try to spell your name from the last letters of 
the calls you work.  Work your home state.  Work your brother's state.  Nobody 
can stop at just one QSO...

It's a lot of fun - the hours will fly by.  Keep a simple paper log the first 
time out to make it easy - you can worry about entering it on a computer later. 
 There are complete rules and instructions for operating and scoring and 
sending in the log on the ARRL Web site 
http://www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2002/nov-sweeps-rules.html.  Come spring of 
2003, you can click on over to the contest results and wonder-of-wonders, there 
your call will be with the mighty titans in the very same font size just a few 
lines away.  Woo-hoo!!

Go for it!

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