> Happy Thanksgiving all!
> I'm looking for opinions on what the preferred logging software
> is within the DX and contesting community. Not contest software,
> but general purpose multifunction logging software. The front
> runner used to be DXBase, and I also know several folks using
> DX4WIN. Are there other serious contenders out there? Please
> send any feedback direct pro or con on any alternatives out there.
> Thanks and 73,
> -Mike, K4GU
Be sure you really, really want what you are buying, especially if you buy
DX4WIN. I bought it and later found out that I just didn't ever use it.
When I inquired about selling it to someone who could use it, I was told I
would be taken to court if I did -- Also, the software owner wouldn't honor
it for updating if I did sell it. So, I threw it in the trash.
dale, kg5u