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[CQ-Contest] Re: MS-DOS end-of-life 31 December 2002

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: MS-DOS end-of-life 31 December 2002
From: hamcat@directvinternet.com (K4SB)
Date: Tue Nov 26 19:23:25 2002
> Yes!  Try to find a card with a PCI slot that will do two or more RS-232
> serial connections.  I think there are a few out there, but they're very
> rare.
> Zack W9SZ

Hi Zack, not rare, but in the expensive category. I bought one about 3
months ago that has 4 serial outputs using 1 IRQ.

And for Pete, there are plenty of motherboards availbable which have
ISA slots. 
Try a peek at http://www.jdr.com. I've got 2 just sitting on the
shelf. Around 400 mHz with the cpu which came with it if I remember,
but posibility they could be speeded up.

Think I paid about $89 for them. Identical twins.


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