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[CQ-Contest] SS is not broke

Subject: [CQ-Contest] SS is not broke
From: Cqtestk4xs@aol.com (Cqtestk4xs@aol.com)
Date: Mon Nov 18 09:44:06 2002
the fone and cw ss are 2 entirely different contest as far as im concerned!
......and 10m fone activity is the main reason de w7gg

IMHO SS is not broken,  The main difference has nothing to do with 10 meters, 
at least not in the east.  I made over 2100 qsos this past weekend and only 
15 of them were on 10 meters.

As I stated before, it has everything to do with the new operators we are 
getting.  As has been posted previously, the large majority of the checks in 
the SS CW were from the 80s and earlier.  In going over the checks I received 
in the SS SSB this weekend, that's not the case.  Lots of 00s, 02s and so 
forth.  If I get a chance to break them down, I will.  

Nevertheless, I still subscribe to the idea, that since the FCC no longer 
requires a high code speed to get on the HF bands, CW is dying...and so are 
the DOMESTIC CW contests.  I am not knocking CW, but the handwriting is on 
the wall.  We can put our heads in the sand and pretend we don't see it, but 
it's there.

SS is not broken.  The manner in which the FCC grants licenses has diminished 
the pool of good CW ops for the SS CW.  It has not affected the SS SSB.

Bill K4XS

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