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[CQ-Contest] Busted calls and Uniques

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Busted calls and Uniques
From: vr2bg@harts.org.hk (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Tue Nov 12 15:40:50 2002
My experience:

Bad calls that are not sometimes get removed from your log.  I have QSLs & even
a copy of the license of one station which had been deemed to be bad calls in

Do not hesitate to approach CQ WW committee about such calls.  They are
reasonable.  However, expect them to put some extra effort to turn other Us 
Bs as a result of your effort to convince them that some Bs were Us - end 
result: not
worth the effort.

Uniques _are_ removed from CQ WW RTTY logs.

Since RTTY isn't a "real" mode, this should not worry most here.

73, BW2/VR2BrettGraham

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