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[CQ-Contest] TS-940 owners query

Subject: [CQ-Contest] TS-940 owners query
From: kr6x@kr6x.com (Leigh S. Jones)
Date: Thu Nov 7 06:33:02 2002
T-F Set does not generate a tone.  However, unless RIT or XIT are
engaged then the cw sidetone pitch very acurately reflects the actual
transmit freq.  T-F Set is used to temporarily switch to the opposite
VFO (A-B).

----- Original Message -----
From: "David A. Pruett" <k8cc@comcast.net>
To: "DAN KOVATCH" <w8car@buckeye-express.com>;
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] TS-940 owners query

> Dan,
> I'm not a Kenwood expert (although I do own a TS-850 for
> Doesn't the TS-940 have a button (I think it's called TF-Set) that
> generates a tone on CW to spot against?  OTOH I may be remembering a
> from K1GQ for the TS-930 to make the TF-Set button to do such a
> My FT-1000Ds have such a button and it is very useful.
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC
> At 02:32 PM 11/6/02 -0500, DAN KOVATCH wrote:
> >I hope this is not too far afield for the group. A friend has a
> >with a CW problem. While receiving CW (with or without 500hz
> >there is a 'tone' on all the time. He says it sounds like a BFO
type tone
> >bleeding through. The tone is present on all bands and is very
> >when listening on just a dummy load. The tone does not appear to
> >'beat'against signals. If anyone on the list has had any experience
> >this problem please e-mail me. We have checked the Kenwood service
> >bulletins and find nothing resembling this problem.
> >--
> >73 Dan
> >W8CAR
> >
> >Dan Kovatch
> >en81 Erie County OH
> >www.qsl.net/ncc
> >www.geocities.com/w8car
> >
> >
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