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[CQ-Contest] PC hits CQ-Contest

Subject: [CQ-Contest] PC hits CQ-Contest
From: k4oj@tampabay.rr.com (k4oj)
Date: Wed Nov 6 23:27:01 2002
Before this goes any further...everybody sit tight!

I am the one who has "accused" N0FP of making up this guy...this is my 
feeling alone - and should I find out that this story holds water I will 
immediately post a message to this reflector that I appologize to N0FP 
for that charactarization...

I should note that I do appreciate Ford calling me in the SS this past 
weekend, at the that point he hadon Saturday night he had logged 188 
calls in his log so he clearly is NOT incapable of CW contesting!

My gut feeling is that there are not contesters out there who 
deliberately shoot themselves in the foot by telling a calling station 
to "go awy" - I have been told to go away in essence by non-contesters 
wwho I happen to find in heretofore unworked multipliers on any given 
weekend...that is about the only time a contest QSO is turned down!

I have NOT spoken with Ford, and am asking he reply to me directly so we 
can continue this discussion privately...

My reaction is a result of years of watching contesting get watered 
down...too many categories and too little recognition of significant 
achievements put forth by guys from propagationally challenged area, 
etc.  Before this sucker gained a head of steam and someone suggested a 
new category for making their first 100 CW contests contacts I interjected.

SO - EVERYBODY QRX (for you phone guys that means standby)

To K0HB - I gather you know Ford, please tell him to get with me on 
 this, as anyone who reads this reflector knows I am very much so 
pro-contesting...it was not my intention to make this reflector appear 
like the TV commercials of the previous week....


Jim, K4OJ QRX fer N0FP

Hans K0HB wrote:

>On Wed, 6 Nov 2002 08:00:22 -0800 (PST) John Geiger <johngeig@yahoo.com>
>>Do I take my rig and go home, and write 
>>messages to the reflector whining about
>>how unfair it is? 
>I don't necessarily agree with the thrust of the message from Ford, but he
>damn sure wasn't whining about "unfair".  He was trying to make a point as he
>saw it.  No we may see it differently, but sarcasm and accusing him of making
>up stories to voice his view as waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of line.
>73, de Hans, K0HB
>  We pass the word around; we ponder how the case is put by different
>  people, we read the poetry; we meditate over the literature; we play
>  the music; we change our minds; we reach an understanding. Society
>  evolves this way, not by shouting each other down, but by the unique
>  capacity of unique, individual human beings to comprehend each other.
>          --Lewis Thomas, The Medusa and the Snail (1979)

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