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Subject: [CQ-Contest] CONFUSION ALERT
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L Martin)
Date: Wed Nov 6 13:26:45 2002
Somebody better tell that guy to get his key out of his box. 


>That's not all:
> ****************************
> ARRL November Sweepstakes - CW, 2100Z Nov 16 to 0300Z Nov 18.
> Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters, work stations only once. Categories:
> SOAB-LP (A), HP (B), QRP (Q), SO-Unlimited (U), MS (M), School Club
> (S). Exchange: Serial number, Category (precedence), Call, Check
> (last two digits of first year licensed), and ARRL section. QSO
> Points: 2 pts/QSO. Score: QSO points x sections (counted only once).
> *******************************************
> So much fun, let's do it twice.
> 73, Bruce K1MY

>From Ward Silver" <hwardsil@centurytel.net  Wed Nov  6 19:30:33 2002
From: Ward Silver" <hwardsil@centurytel.net (Ward Silver)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contesting - Open or Closed?
Message-ID: <00ef01c285ca$fa836bc0$27d7fea9@mirage>

To run with the Big Dogs - you can't be a puppy, pull yourself up by =
your bootstraps, and all that.  Admirable, true, and good personal =
advice for improving your contesting success.


I must point out that contesting is quite unique a sport in that the =
success of the competitors depends entirely on the ability to connect =
with as many other participants as possible.  And not only other =
participants, but non-participants.  Certainly an auto race can not open =
the gates to every possible participant in every event - but radio =
contesting depends on doing just that. No one has to pre-register or =
qualify to play - just show up and be welcomed, right?

The success of the sport depends on its open-ness and easy access.  We =
should not over-react to a poor experience by one or two, nor should the =
behavior of a couple knotheads reflect poorly on us all.  Yet, having a =
healthy sport means more than publishing the rules and an email address =
for logs and saying, "Take it or leave it".  There have been several =
good ideas put forth as to how to educate and attract contesters.  I =
hope some of them are widely implemented.

To a large degree, however, the methods by which we conduct ourselves on =
the air is the primary window by which others view and form opinions of =
the sport.  Outreach is THE challenge to the contest community over the =
coming solar doldrums - not amplifiers, cheating, packet spotting, or =
log formats.  Outreach is required to the casual and non-contesters - =
even anti-contesters - to keep the sport healthy.  We have a great =
opportunity at present with super conditions and participation in many =
contests at record levels.

Let's not blow it in our urge to be competitive with one another.

73, Ward N0AX

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