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[CQ-Contest] Section News and Contest Results

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Section News and Contest Results
From: wd4ahz@gte.net (Ron Wetjen)
Date: Mon Jul 22 11:09:44 2002

Thanks for your support in keeping Section News and Contest Results in
QST.  Unfortunately, this was already a "done deal" scheduled for the
last BOD Meeting ... but the membership "outcry" put that on hold until
this meeting.

The "dumbing down" of Amateur Radio that the ARRL has been pushing, has
finally completely overtaken QST, since Contest Results and Section
News, were the last bits of "non fluff" left in QST ... and now those
will be gone.

I hope this action brings about the desired outcome, but previous
actions by the ARRL to increase membership (by dumbing down Amateur
Radio) have not worked.  This may save money by reducing the number of
pages (or will something take their place?), but may also turn some
current members away, since many feel the ARRL no longer represents the
membership or the best interest of Amateur Radio ... instead the ARRL
now acts in the best interest of the ARRL.

The question now, is if the "National Contest Journal", NCJ, can be
expanded to make it a monthly contest magazine.  I already subscribe to
NCJ, but would gladly drop QST in favor of an expanded NCJ.


Ron Wetjen, WD4AHZ

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