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[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2002 Results

Subject: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2002 Results
From: btippett@alum.mit.edu (Bill Tippett)
Date: Tue Jul 16 12:26:48 2002
>From today's issue of The Daily DX:

This past weekend was the annual running of the IARU HF Championship
in which 52 top-notch two-man teams from all over the world competed
in the fourth running of the World Radio Team Championships held in
Helsinki, Finland.  As of press time the official results had just
been made at a ceremony in down town Helsinki with over 400 people in
attendance.  Your editor spoke directly with Marti Laine, OH2BH, Co-
Chairman of WRTC2002.  Here are the top 10 finishers.  Scores and
other details were not available, but should be posted at
http://www.wrtc2002.org later this week.

Rank Operators (station)
1    N5TJ - K1TO (OH2HXP)      6  VE3EJ - VE7ZO
2    RA3AUU - RV1AW (OH3AXA)   7  K5ZD - K1KI
3    DL2CC - DL6FBL (OX1XX)    8  UT4UZ - UT3UA
4    N6MJ - N2NL               9  LY1DS - LY2TA
5    KQ2M - W7WA               10 DK3GI - DL1IAO

Dan Street, K1TO, and Jeff Steinman, N5TJ, from the US, won the event.
The two were operating from the OH2HXP station using the callsign
OJ3A.  This is the third straight win for the dynamic duo.  This is
the second time the Russian team has come in second place.

At one point the Scoreboard reported the N6TJ and N6AA team as the
winner, however the TR logging program inflated their score.  The
German team also has some minor deductions due to their logging
program Writelog.  Congratulations to all the team members and a
special thanks to the SRAL and Contest Club of Finland for hosting
this fantastic event.

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