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[CQ-Contest] PJ2 QTH Available for WAE SSB

Subject: [CQ-Contest] PJ2 QTH Available for WAE SSB
From: ghoward@kent.edu (Geoff Howard)
Date: Mon Jun 24 16:37:45 2002

The PJ2T QTH is available for the 14-15 September 2002 WAE SSB contest.
(Our club members have decided not to operate that contest this year.)

Three towers, 14 yagis, four KW stations, Ethernet and Pentiums. QTH has
two bedrooms, two baths, and is located on 100 feet of direct oceanfront on
the south shore of Curacao.

Full details at http://asgard.kent.edu/ccc or you can E-mail me (
ghoward@kent.edu ) with your questions.

   Thanks and 73,

       - Geoff , W0CG -- Suffield, Ohio

(Schedulemeister for the Caribbean Contesting Consortium club station)

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