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[CQ-Contest] FD Software Redux

Subject: [CQ-Contest] FD Software Redux
From: wn3vaw@fyi.net (Ron Notarius WN3VAW)
Date: Sun Jun 23 11:06:43 2002
Since I neglected to do this earlier, just wanted (while I was thinking of
it) to thank everyone who answered me a few weeks back on possibilities for
Field Day software.

The WASH club ended up using the Network version of N3FJP's free FD package.
I've got to admit to being impressed.  The networking was smooth as silk,
the software was extremely easy & intuitive to use, and it made CW solo
operating & logging a breeze.

A lot of people in the club were surprised that it was that good a package
for a free download, and several are going to recommend that we go ahead and
register it.  Just wait till they see how low the registration fee is...

If some of his other offerings are this good or better, I may just drop CT
as my contest logger of choice since I bought 6.13 at Dayton many, many,
many moons ago!

73, ron wn3vaw

"And they give you cash,
which is just as good as money!"
Yogi Berra, AFLAC Commercial, 2002

>From Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi  Sun Jun 23 15:12:35 2002
From: Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] YU7SF SK
References: <050901c21994$086842e0$6401a8c0@mrrmnh.adelphia.net>
Message-ID: <005b01c21ac1$255c2000$b3c5f83e@tklimoff>

> I have 38 YU7SF contest qsos in my logging program just since 1990

OH1F/OG1F QSO database shows 23 qsos 1998-2001!

YU7SF was certainly one of the most or even the most active contester in 
Europe, who always answered to your CQs in every contest - even in the minor 

RIP Laci!

73, Timo OH1NOA & OH1F Contest Gang

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