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[CQ-Contest] Eyestrain/neckstrain - avoiding of

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Eyestrain/neckstrain - avoiding of
From: n7df@zianet.com (Larry N7DF)
Date: Sat Apr 27 11:52:57 2002
A study of computer related job stress was done by some Federal Agency =
several years back.  I think it was NIH, but I'm not sure.
A major part of the eye strain problem was found to be related to spasms =
in the neck muscles from holding the head in the wrong position.  =
Generally the monitor screen should be slightly below eye level.  For =
each person the exact preferred position can be determined by the =
following exercise.

While sitting in the chair and position you will normally use while =
using the computer, look into an open space about ten feet away.
Hold your right hand, palm towards you at arms length and slowly move it =
up and down.  You will notice that there is one location where it seems =
to suddenly appear the clearest.
Repeat with your left hand.  You will probably notice that the clearest =
position will be somewhat lower than for the right hand.
Now do this with both hands at once.  This should clearly show the =
difference in preferred location for each hand. =20
Set your computer monitor with the bottom of the screen at the location =
for the lower hand. =20
This should reduce the neck strain significantly.

Another thing you can do is get a soft cervical collar from your local =
drug store and wear it when you are at the computer for a long period of =



E=3DIR  is not just a good idea.

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