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[CQ-Contest] Meet with the BoD

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Meet with the BoD
From: w0uo@cs.com (w0uo@cs.com)
Date: Tue Jan 29 12:53:52 2002
   Excellent observation. I believe, before we get carried away, that we
need to do some careful analysis and planning.  I have no problem with
contesters promoting contesting, in fact I do that at every opportunity.  
as as group we need to do a full analysis of our situation, Strengths, 
Opportunities and Threats, barriers to entry, 
barriers to exit, the whole nine yards before we set long term objectives
and take action based on them. 
   It seems to me that at least one group is about to take action based
on their current perception of the situation.  This won't necessarily 
result in a positive outcome. 
   In other words, we need to take our time, think it through, and 
take action which is, in the long term, constructive for radiosport in 
general and contesting in particular. 

73 de Jim

"Silver Ward" <hwardsil1@mindspring.com> wrote:

>> The discussion became heated at times when it came to Section News. Several
>> MWA members are active in traffic and had strong opinions related to Section
>> news.  With what I know and understand about traffic, points, nets and
>> section scores, you better ask somebody else--I have no idea what all the
>> excitement was about.
>> Ford-N0FP
>> ford@cmgate.com
>Section News is to Traffic Handlers as Line Scores are to Contesters.  They
>don't have any idea what all our excitement is about, either.
>Which is part of the problem, of course - we all have our hobby niches and
>don't necessarily participate in or interact much with the others.  Ham
>Radio, somewhat a victim of its own technological success, has grown so
>broad that it is easy to lose touch with some aspects of the hobby.
>I would not suggest that we reverse that success, or that we all try to do
>everything, but that in the heat of debate we do try to remember that we are
>part of a community of diverse interests - all important to their adherents.
>73, Ward N0AX
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