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[CQ-Contest] CQ160 Offer

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ160 Offer
From: zf2nt@candw.ky (Bruce B. Sawyer)
Date: Mon Jan 7 11:51:13 2002
The CQ160 contest is just a little over two weeks away--probably enough time
left to still be able to get bargain airline ticket prices to the Cayman
Islands.  So I just had an inspiration, which might be an opportunity for
the right person and could help me out at the same time.

I have about the world's worst setup here on Little Cayman to do 160.  I
live on the beach, so there aren't any trees worthy of the name.  The only
support structures available are my 60' tower and another 50' mast which is
about 75' away from the main tower.  At present, all I have for 160 is an
inverted V off the tower, with the legs spread way out in order to try to
keep the ends out of the sand.  For Rx, I do have a EWE pointed at Europe.
Plans are to try to come up with an inverted L off the tower and put in a
second EWE pointed NW, and I MUST get this stuff done by the first of
February.  All it takes is time, and there is never enough of that go
around.  But then I had an idea:  why not make the trade of offering the
station for CQ160 in return for doing this antenna work for me?  I never do
CQ160 anyway, and in fact don't do any of the CQ contests in a serious way.

So here's the deal:  if you're a knowledgeable 160m antenna guy (emphasis on
"knowledgeable"--and I think I know how to recognize that) willing to help
me design and build what I described above, or something equivalent, I'll
put you up here on the beach and turn the station over to you for the CQ160
contest.  Full info on travel, accommodations, station, etc., can be found
at http://www.qsl.net/zf2nt/faq.htm.  Even decrepit old guys are eligible:
I'm willing to do the tower climbing and any grunt work, but am in need of
some expert design help.

Bruce, ZF2NT
Little Cayman Island

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