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[CQ-Contest] penalty whiners - step back

Subject: [CQ-Contest] penalty whiners - step back
From: jstai@home.com (Jeff Stai WK6I)
Date: Tue May 22 11:42:24 2001
hi Jim - good points - but I gotta point out that an EA8 being spotted every 
five minutes on the DX summit is far more likely to be logged correctly than 
an everyday, humdrum K4 or WK6. That is just human nature. (Of course, an EA8 
has lotsa other advantages so what the heck...;-)

I am also concerned when my friends who are new at contesting say they feel 
discouraged by the 3-Q penalty. I do try to point out that a big aspect of 
contesting is to improve operating skill - knowing you might get a 3-Q penalty 
is a big incentive to get the exchange right! On the other hand, it would be
sad if the penalty is causing some hams to give up on contesting....

GL in the next one - jeff wk6i

At 12:24 AM 5/22/01, Jim White, K4OJ wrote:

>As long as I have the same rules used on my log as N5TJ has used on his I am
>happy....he seems to being doing ok.  I also do not seem to remember him
>complaining about his score changing too much in his report on his EA8
>records - didn't he say he had the second best UBN of the top finishers!
>Yup, you can be penalized for things not of your own fault - akin to being
>in the wrong place at the wrong time - but as long as the same measuring
>device is used to adjudicate all logs all of us are equally susceptible!  If
>something about your operating style causes you to have higher UBN rates -
>you should fix it!
>I think this rush to argue the three Q penalty is too much only serves to
>prove that yes, 3 QSO penalties get the attention of the
>contenders...conclusion: don't change it - its working!
>Jim, K4OJ
>...as interviewed on the Hiram Percy Springer Show
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jeff stai
radio stuff:   WK6I in DM13
rocket stuff:  NAR #21059 TRA #3356 Level 2 Cert.
email:         jstai@home.com or wk6i@arrl.net
ROC web page:  http://www.rocstock.org/
LDRS web page: http://www.ldrs20.org/

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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