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[CQ-Contest] Change of the date of WPX CW

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Change of the date of WPX CW
From: wally@el-soft.com (Valeri Stefanov)
Date: Mon Apr 23 20:57:12 2001
Hi fellow contesters,

Seems that contesters from US are forgetting that at least almost half =
of the participants in major CQ Contests are not from USA and that =
without our participation these otherwise great contests will become a =
local US affair.
So, when someone is talking about any changes ,please always try to =
think things over through others perspective too.(see Tack's comments).
The date of WPX in May is just fine and as far as I have found the =
number of participants in SSB contests is greater than in CW, so in IMHO =
the dates for SSB and CW parts of WPX have been chosen correctly. Any =
way swapping CW and SSB weekends will not hurt things so badly and is =
possible if someone wants this done. But for me and others here in =
Europe WPX CW during the last weekend of May is just fine.

73's and see ya in next one=20
Wally LZ2CJ (also LZ8T & YM3LZ)

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