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[CQ-Contest] Hamvention - Columbus, Ohio Road Construction

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Hamvention - Columbus, Ohio Road Construction
From: ku8e1@yahoo.com (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Mon May 15 11:27:47 2000
 Hello All,

  For all you guys driving from the east coast and
northeast Ohio to the Dayton be aware that there are
some major road construction projects going on in the
Columbus,Ohio area on I-70, I-71, and I-270.  

I-70 has major construction going on east of Columbus,
at the Fairfield County line to downtown Columbus.
I-71 construction is from the SR 36 exit in Delaware
to I-270 in the northern part of Columbus. There is
also a major road widening project going on from 
I-270, on the north side of Columbus to the Dublin

  Unfortunately, there are no really good alternate
routes since this year they seem to be working
everywhere around town. My suggestion is to maybe to
just avoid coming though town around the rush hours, 
unless you want to sit in traffic for awhile.

The WX forecast looks good... Sunny and temps in the
mid 70's. Look forward to seeing all my contesting
friends after missing last year due to the birth of
our first child......

                   Jeff  KU8E

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