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[CQ-Contest] 1999 Ohio QSO Party Results

Subject: [CQ-Contest] 1999 Ohio QSO Party Results
From: ku8e1@yahoo.com (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Mon May 1 20:56:18 2000

 The final results for the 1999 running of the
 Ohio QSO Party can be found at :


 Congratulations to the 1999 plaque winners :

 Single-Op Ohio           W8CAR 

 Single-Op Out of State   WA3HAE

 Ohio Rover               K8XXX/m

 Certificates should be mailed by next week.
 Hope to see everyone for he 2000 version on August

                   Jeff  KU8E

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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