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[CQ-Contest] CQ Certificates. Money talks.

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Certificates. Money talks.
From: ums@nconnect.net (Gary Sutcliffe)
Date: Wed Sep 22 09:24:20 1999
At 03:18 PM 9/21/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Food for thought.
>Concept: Pay log checkers and sponsors [more] money to deliver better and
>1.     All logs due 30 days after contest.
>5.     Processing fee of around $10-$20. Expect 30% of entries to include the

This would really hurt contesting. Little guys would not send in their
scores.  Big guys who already had a wall full of certificates and didn't
care about another one would not send in their logs. Guys who wanted to
just help out their club score would not send in their logs.

Having to pay an entry fee makes downloading logs over the Internet more of
a problem. The trend has been to make it easier to enter a contest, not

The ARRL also uses VHF/UHF contest entries to document activity on those
bands to justify us keeping them. I would hate it if fewer people send in
logs because it cost them money.

I don't understand why CQ does not realize that CQWW is a marketing
opportunity. If I were running CQ, I would send a cheap certificate to
everyone who sent in a log. Of course it would also include a subscription
form to CQ and CQ-Contest. Anyone who operates a contest and sends in a log
is an active ham. They are more likely to be spending money on radio
related items than addresses mined from the Call Book.

If money is the problem, corporate sponsorship of certificates is the answer.

73 - Gary

Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT  ums@nconnect.net

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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