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[CQ-Contest] CQ Results

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ Results
From: jono@enteract.com (Jon Ogden)
Date: Thu Sep 16 10:07:15 1999
Kenneth E. Harker wrote:

>Being a succesful contester or DXer
>at 50MHz and up requires many of the same skills that the same activities at 
>HF require: knowing how to build an easy-to-use station, knowing all about 
>antennas, knowing propagation, knowing when to be on what band, knowing 
>how to move multipliers to new bands, being able to search and pounce 
>effectively, knowing how to use code when SSB can't make it through, 
>knowing how to run rate when the situation requires it, knowing how to 
>work scatter contacts by sticking with it and connecting on the QSB peaks, 
>knowing how to identify an unusual band opening as it happens, knowing how 
>to copy the weakest of distant signals through QRM/QRN/QSB, etc, etc...

Very well put, Ken.  Very well put.  I find that VHF contesting can be 
far more challenging than HF contesting.  Granted, from what I have seen 
it isn't continual action (you can literally track activity periods: down 
around dinner time, down Sunday morning when everyone goes to church, 
etc.), but knowing how to successfully operate, find stations, find band 
openings, etc. is VERY challenging.

The most frustrating thing about VHF contesting is that there aren't more 
people doing it.  Every single ham these days has VHF/UHF allocations - 
even novices (does anyone get a novice license any more?).  I think many 
of the HF folks could really enjoy working VHF stuff.  It's a different 
kind of challenge, but a challenge nonetheless.  So to all of you guys 
who think that VHF people are repeater people only, try a VHF contest.  


KE9NA  (who enjoys contesting everywhere)

The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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