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[CQ-Contest] Follow up to CQ Support

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Follow up to CQ Support
From: K3BU@aol.com (K3BU@aol.com)
Date: Wed Sep 15 16:37:29 1999
>  The amateur population in the USA has become
>  "shack on a belt" types and both CQ and ARRL are looking for ways to 
>  the knowledge base.
>  73 Dave K4JRB

..and they buy lotsa equipment and magazines?? 
If not contesting, I would be by now a "dead" ham.
If I was only DXer, I would be by now a semi-dead ham.
Because of contesting I buy more equipment, antennas, I would go on 
Seems a bit illogical logic: contesters buy most stuff, they are roll models 
for rest of the hams and something to shoot for, but we want to squeeze them 
out and replace them with "stimulating" shack on the belt type?
I would rather see one strong magazine, with many departments and many 
readers form all areas of hamming.
I think we can appeal to youngsters by showing them competitive side of radio 
rather than walkie-talkie stuff. Long live internet!
What better way to broaden the knowledge base then showing them competitve 
side of radio and technical side? Must be "last two".

73 Yuri

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