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[CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers in Log Checking

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers in Log Checking
From: frenaye@pcnet.com (Tom Frenaye)
Date: Tue Aug 17 00:03:27 1999
At 09:45 PM 8/16/99 -0400, N5NJ wrote:
>While I empathize with K8CC's reaction to this, there is a bit more to this
>than just the rules of the contest.

My take on this is that the people penalized the most for logging 599ATT
instead of 599100 are those who are contest "newbies" for the most part.
It isn't top scorers, and it isn't those with several years of contest
experience.   If that is true, there there is no reason to penalize them.
We want them to participate!   They'll already be losing points for busted
callsigns and incorrectly copied exchanges.   Why deduct for something
copied as the other station sent it?   If log checkers accept MA and MASS
for Massachusetts, and serial numbers without leading zeros, they should be
able to interpret the most common cut numbers (1-9-0 = ANT).

A friendly letter to those who logged cut numbers would have been a better
step.  While the improvement in checking ARRL logs is wonderful, this went
one step too far in my view.

                                73 Tom
e-mail: frenaye@pcnet.com    YCCC --> http://www.yccc.org/
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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