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[CQ-Contest] How to Count DC in NAQP

Subject: [CQ-Contest] How to Count DC in NAQP
From: bhorn@hornucopia.com (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu Jul 29 22:27:24 1999
At 08:29 AM 7/29/99 -0700, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>I may be on for the NAQP SSB.  Looking at the rules, it says that
>States are counted as multipliers. 
>What about folks like me who live in that Federal enclave known as The
>District of Columbia. Are we a multiplier?

In the NAQP SSB/CW Contests the District of Columbia counts as Maryland.
I'll add this to our list of items to clarify in the 2000 update of the rules.

NAQP CW   1800Z, Aug 7 to 0600Z, Aug 8
NAQP SSB  1800Z, Aug 21 to 0600Z, Aug 22

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn@hornucopia.com)
NAQP SSB Contest Manager

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