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FW: [CQ-Contest] Re: Two letter, or partial, calls

Subject: FW: [CQ-Contest] Re: Two letter, or partial, calls
From: ronkg2bn@lightlink.com (RON PLETTER)
Date: Wed Jul 28 15:32:31 1999
I've heard the station running the pileup say "full calls only", 
"last two only"  "south America only" and a lot of other things. One fellow in 
Central America always specifies "last two using standard phonetics only".  
Guess he has no sense of humor.    Some DX stations take a list of last two 
only, then work it off.  But clearly, there are  DX ops who take the loudest 
and most obnoxious first.

I wish we were all ladies and gentlemen,  but clearly if you want to work the 
DX,  you've got to decide what will work in each particular case.  Just my two 
cents worth.

73  Ron  KG2BN

From:   Larry Vito[SMTP:k4ooo@juno.com]
Sent:   Thursday, July 29, 1999 10:08 AM
To:     W1HIJCW@aol.com
Cc:     cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject:        [CQ-Contest] Re: Two letter, or partial, calls

It also might help if the person calling CQ would simply and calmly
mention, "full call signs only please" if and when he or she feels it is
getting out of hand.  I've heard it done from time to time, but maybe it
should be done more often as a reminder that the practice is not
acceptable. Simply ignoring the "two letter" call IMHO doesn't convey any
message.  It just makes the offender assume that they haven't been heard
yet and the call gets louder.

Larry Vito, k4ooo@juno.com

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:27:58 EDT W1HIJCW@aol.com writes:
>> When will they realise that two letters only and
>>  stupid list systems do not increase your run rate, which is the 

>>  There MUST be a way of teaching operating technique to radio
>>  amateurs. Otherwise we have a hobby totally out of control. I could 
>go on...
>It's really simple -- it's called negative reinforcement -- if the
>is poor, don't work them ... Undoubtedly some of the people will figure
>that if they do give a full callsign, they get a QSO quicker, and 
>maybe the 
>lesson will stick. It works for my dog.  --- and for the ones who 
>figure it out --- well, that was Darwin's point. 

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