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[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party - August 28

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party - August 28
From: Jimk8mr@aol.com (Jimk8mr@aol.com)
Date: Wed Jul 28 11:52:02 1999
Think of SS, and the vast horde of W8's - and the state that is usually up at 
the top of the most worked section list - yes, OHIO!  After some years of an 
Ohio QSO Party, and sometimes two of them, sponsored by groups that were not 
primarily contest organizations, the Mad River Radio Club,  with cooperation 
of  the previous sponsors Cuyahoga Falls Radio Club and Buckeye Belles, has 
assumed primary sponsorship of the OQP.

The contest rules have been revamped to state of the state QSO Party art, 
with a 12 hour format, county multipliers on both modes, lots of organized 
mobile activity.  We're even importing mobile expeditioners from up north in 

The OQP will be Saturday, August 28, 1999, from 1600Z to 0400Z on the 29th, 
or noon to midnight local (EDT) time.  

Full rules can be found at the MRRC web site, 


The basic rules are in August QST Contest Corral, page 92.

NA contest templates and multiplier files, for both Ohio and non-Ohio 
stations, can soon be obtained from the MRRC or NA web sites.

Stop by on the last Saturday of August for the New OQP.

Or as our friends from the Sunshine State would put it,

                  32 days until the Ohio QSO Party!

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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