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didit dit (formerly RE: [CQ-Contest] Re: your mail)

Subject: didit dit (formerly RE: [CQ-Contest] Re: your mail)
From: aa0cy@nwrain.com (Bob Wandenrer)
Date: Thu Jul 15 20:55:55 1999
Yes, we should resurrect the didit dit. If memory
serves, the proper response (to indicate that yes,
indeed, the frequency was occupied) was either
a "R" or a "C" with the latter being the more correct;
some folks sent a "Y" although a single dit was used
too. A weak signal may not be heard, however, which
is why I suppose the technically incorrect "QRL?" was


From:  Zack Widup[SMTP:w9sz@prairienet.org]
Sent:  Wednesday, July 14, 1999 2:18 AM
To:  R.S.Hradilek
Cc:  Scott Ellington; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject:  [CQ-Contest] Re: your mail

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, R.S.Hradilek wrote:

> >  Send a VERY
> > short CQ, like "TEST MYCALL", a couple times before launching a longer CQ.  
> > If
> > the frequency is in use, you'll hear about it eventually, but don't assume
> > that just because you didn't get an immediate response the frequency is
> > "yours".  Imagine yourself on the other end.
> > 
> > When you're on the receiving end of the QRL?, sometimes you can just send a
> > quick "dit" (with QSK) without losing anything you're trying to  
> copy.
> Now we are getting somewhere. I like this idea. The QRL scenario 
> needs more abbreviation for CW contests. This would have to be 
> adopted by convention among contesters so we would all 
> recognize it. Maybe a single dit for QRL and another dit for YES, 
> plus constant education of newbies on the need to keep it brief. 
> CW is a language of abbreviations.

A long time ago (late 60's?) there was some use of "IE" (didit dit) on CW 
to inquire if the frequency was in use instead of the improperly-used "QRL?"
which actually means "are you busy?".  I kind of liked this method and 
used it but it seems to have fallen by the wayside.  Now when I use it, 
most people don't know what I mean.  

Maybe we should resurrect and repopularize it?

Zack W9SZ

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