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[CQ-Contest] SCP

Subject: [CQ-Contest] SCP
From: DougKR2Q@aol.com (DougKR2Q@aol.com)
Date: Thu May 13 05:55:43 1999
In a message dated 5/12/99 12:45:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ua9cdc@dialup.mplik.ru writes:

<< When taking exam for US license in
 Washington DC I had multiple choice questions which in my opinion is a lot
 easier. It just allows much more room for guessing. Yet I never thought
 the latter approach is not really an exam.
 In the worst case what you describe is just the same as multiple choice >>

You have done an excellent job of providing the perfect analogy!  While I am

NOT now speaking OFFICIALLY for the CQWW contest, it is my STRONG belief
we do NOT want the contest to degrade to a "multiple choice" exam.
knows that a multiple choice is exam is EASIER than "fill-in-the-blank" or 
essay type exams.  So ONE question is, why should some entrants take an 
easier exam than others when the purpose is to get the biggest "final exam 
grade?"  And this argument is EXACTLY why so many entrants are FORCED to
SCP, even though they do not want to and do not like it.  I wouldn't be so 
bold as to presume that I know what is in W4AN's head, but I believe that 
this is EXACTLY what he is talking about.  Those who "can" recognize that
really is a "dumbing down" module...a shortcut around having to ACCURATELY 
copy the call/exchange.  I have used CP and it works REAL WELL.  And I am
just talking about CW...works the same on phone!

This is a great thread and I thank Bill for starting it.

de Doug KR2Q

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