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[CQ-Contest] Re: Choice of CW Narrow filters

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: Choice of CW Narrow filters
From: jono@enteract.com (Jon Ogden)
Date: Wed May 12 17:27:07 1999
>One would think
>that the highest scoring stations would stand the highest chance of
>bumping in to one another.  But this appears not to be the case.

It could be that the highest scoring stations have the best signals and 
so beat their way clear and secondly and more importantly, they have the 
most operating skill.

I will admit that it is frustrating to try a low power operation with a 
tri-bander and get no where because of the big guns.  It sure was easier 
when I got my PA working for the CQWWPX and had some umpf behind me. But 
still it is hard to compete with a stacked array. I admire those guys who 
do a low power effort and still score more than a lot of the big guns.



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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