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[CQ-Contest] Contest-free 10M ARRL

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest-free 10M ARRL
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Sun Dec 13 00:15:26 1998

"Bill Fisher, W4AN" wrote:
> At 11:05 AM 12/12/98 -0500, Paul Knupke, Jr. wrote:
> >
> >Don't forget that 28.3 to 28.35 is declared a no contest zone in the contest
> >rules!
> In spite of the fact that it is a terrible precedent, and a big step
> backwards for contesting.

In listening there, it seems a LOT of people are gonna get
disqualified. There are sure a lot operating in that area.

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