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[CQ-Contest] RFI with the ICE 419??!!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] RFI with the ICE 419??!!
From: n7tr@rnodx.org (Rich Hallman N7TR)
Date: Sat Aug 15 05:53:47 1998
   I just installed TWO NEW ICE 419 Automatic bandpass filters and I noticed 
that with just 75 watts on BOTH units I have real bad RFI into the LED's of the 
Bandpass unit and also messes up my Top Ten Decoder, relays in the bandpass 
unit chatter also!!!

   Even with the selection cable disconnected to the Top Ten Box, I still have 
the RFI.    Yes.....Both Boxes are grounded.....

    So far I havent had any problems with the Top Ten stuff at 1500 
watts....Just since I installed the ICE Bandpass unit....

  I also noticed that none of the cabling inside the ICE unit was bypass'd with 
any caps....

    Any Ideas???    Seen this problem????

Thanks!!     Trying to get this finished before NAQP.....or maybe not!!  

Rich  N7TR

    Richard Hallman  N7TR            N7TR@RNODX.ORG
    11870 Heartpine St
    Reno NV  89506                   EX: KI3V, HL9RH
    702 677-1106                         A92FN, N3AMK

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