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[CQ-Contest] NAQP Mult Passing Technique Questions

Subject: [CQ-Contest] NAQP Mult Passing Technique Questions
From: aa4lr@radio.org (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Wed Aug 5 18:19:04 1998
Based on some comments about the recent NAQP, I have some questions on 
the proper technique for accomplishing this. Especially on CW. 

So, what is usually sent? On Phone, you just ask, "Could you move to xx 
meters?" "Sure, what frequency?" "Oh, xx.xxx.xx MHz" "OK." On CW, I'm 
sure it is more succinct. Do you give a QSY frequency right away: "PSE 
QSY 21.120" or do you first agree to QSY, then give a frequency?

I was under the impression that you have to be CQing to pass mults. Isn't 
it somewhat impolite to ask someone to give up his run frequency in just 
so he can give you a new mult? Or is this less of an issue in NAQP, where 
people are moving all the time, and run frequencies are relatively easy 
to come by?

Another question would be -- how do you know what to move? Do you move 
anything that's a new mult, or do you try to temper this with whatever is 
going to be easy pickings later. 

Any comments would be appreciated.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr@radio.org
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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