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[CQ-Contest] CQ-WW-CW Date ??

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ-WW-CW Date ??
From: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
Date: Tue Aug 4 01:05:25 1998
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-cq-contest@contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-cq-contest@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Dale Jones K5MM
> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 1998 3:33 PM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ-WW-CW Date ??
>  Gents:
>  Barry, W2UP, suggests changing the date of CQ-WW-CW to one that does not
>  routinely fall on AMERICAN Thanksgiving.  Why in the hell do so many of
>  you guys jump all over him for SUGGESTING that?
>  It's an AMERICAN contest
>  The AMERICAN's set the date in the first place.

I believe many DX stations will be upset about that comment. I believe the
contest would be REALLY FUN without any DX active. eh?

>  Dale  K5MM

Ernesto LU5CW

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