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[CQ-Contest] Receiver audio mixing

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Receiver audio mixing
From: n6tr@teleport.com (Tree N6TR)
Date: Mon Jun 15 10:14:56 1998
Another option I haven't seen mentioned is the use of an audio mixer.

When I first did two radios in the SS, it wasn't really planned, and
I ended up doing it with the speakers in the radios.  I found that
depending on what I was doing, I was adjusting the levels of the 
radios using the AF gain pots (which someone did mention).

The idea behind the mixer panel is to move the two AF gain controls
to a common place - just to the left of the keyboard.  Also, by using
more than one channel for each radio, you can decide if you want
that radio just in one ear - or both.

I tend to do much better concentrating on a signal if it is in both
ears - so I tend to keep my run radio in both - or nearly in both.
What I do is run the pot with the run radio in my right ear up, and 
also the one with it in both ears.  The result is that the audio
is positioned somewhere over my right eye.

Off in the left ear is the second radio.  I can quickly flip the mono
switch to MONO and turn down the run radio if I need to hear the second
radio in both ears.

The mixer I use is a radio shack one I picked up about 10 years ago.
They don't make the same exact model anymore, but any four channel
mixer should work.

Another idea that I use is to ajust the two radios to use different
CW offsets.  Having some difference in frequency makes it easier
to keep the two separated.

73 Tree N6TR

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