Vlad, IMHO there is no problem if you do not use any one entry as part of
another entry. IE, in the case you presented, the 15 Meter SB entry should
not have been part of the All Band entry. BUT, if you had worked one of
the lower frequency bands, 40 or 80, or 160 also, and sent that in as
another single band entry together with the 15 Meter SB entry, then there
is nothing wrong. Again, this is just a humble country boy's opinion. 73
and GL de Milt, N5IA
At 10:22 AM 2/11/98 +0300, Vladimir A. Gordienko wrote:
>Hello Contesters!
>Could you imagine: somebody seriously works as a single operator on 40m
>and 80m, or on 20m and 40m, or on 80m and 160m bands during one Contest?
>I think that is impossible. Could you imagine: somebody seriously works
>as a single operator on 10m and 160m, or on 10m and all bands during
>one Contest? I guess that might be.
>The story. It was in 1996. I was going to take part in the Ukrainian DX
>Contest in SO 15m MIX category. The contest begins at 12:00 UTC.I started
>to work on 21MHz, but because of bad conditions and low contest activity
>my contest was finished in a couple of hours.I thought: what I have to do?
>I decided to continue my job on the other bands,first of all to support the
>contest activity getting fun and I came back to 15m next morning. Finally
>I sent two logs to the contest committÃ…e, one for 15m entry and another
>for all bands entry. What did happen later? Then I got the Results,I was
>surprised:I was placed first in SO 15m MIX category and 3rd in SO MB MIX
>category! My friends contesters noticed me something like these: " You
>should not send two entries in one contest", "You must send one log for
>your entry and another one as a check-log". Mmm...I guess they are right.
>But,if me or someone else have any real ability to make two entries in
>one contest, so what is actually wrong ?
>73! Vlad UT1IA
>(RB5IM formerly)
>e-mail: gord@kron.donetsk.ua
>CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
>Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com