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[CQ-Contest] Introduction of the "contest-rules" reflector

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Introduction of the "contest-rules" reflector
From: je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Wed Dec 10 17:10:28 1997
             == "contest-rules" Mailing List ==

Dear Contest sponsors, Contest columnists, Bulletin Editors and Web masters

  I've been running the "contest-rules" Mailing-List(=reflector) since Dec. 
'96. CQ-Contest reflector has been so crowded and rather difficult to find the 
rules/results in some thousands of articles. So this is the place to 
post the complete contest rules or results for publication. 

  I invite all the Contest columnists, Bulletin Editors and Web masters 
to join this reflector to exchange the most current contest informations 
for publication. Or if you get any contest rules/results, would you 
post them to this "contest-rules"?

  This "contest-rules" reflector will have the following advantages to 
both the contest sponsors and editors;

* Contest sponsors do not need to find the editors' email address 
  because I'll update their email addresses. Just post the contest rule/
  result to "contest-rules@dumpty.nal.go.jp". And any contest sponsors/
  managers can post the rule/result without subscribing the reflector.
* Editors and Web-masters can get most current contest rules/results to 
  subscribe this reflector.

All the sub/unsub process has been done by human, not automated :-)
If you or your friends wish to subscribe this mailing list, please 
send a subscription request as follows;
mailto: contest-rules-request@dumpty.nal.go.jp

with your CALLSIGN, EMAIL ADDRESS and what contest/magazine/bulletin/
WWWpage you related in the body of the message.
"subscribe contest-rules" should be contained in Subject: line.

If you have any email addresses of the contest sponsors, contest managers 
at national radio associations, magazine editors or club bulletin editors, 
let me know them, thanks.

        Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
        TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
        Internet: je1cka@nal.go.jp

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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  • [CQ-Contest] Introduction of the "contest-rules" reflector, Takao KUMAGAI <=