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[CQ-Contest] Re: TopBand: ARRL 160 at OT7T - ON4UN

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: TopBand: ARRL 160 at OT7T - ON4UN
From: W2pm@aol.com (W2pm)
Date: Mon Dec 8 07:26:18 1997
In a message dated 97-12-07 13:06:14 EST, john.devoldere@innet.be writes:

<< Our autorities have been visiting the site, and will be back in about a
 week with specilists (university professor etc) to make an evaluation and
 prescribe the necessary action. 

Authorities and experts to fix a noise problem ??!!  Can you send them here to
NNJ? I think the number of trouble cases is large enough among many hams to
pay for their trip plus dinner and theatre in NY.

73 Pete

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