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[CQ-Contest] 40 meter band plan

Subject: [CQ-Contest] 40 meter band plan
From: marcmag@nti.it (Marco Magnano)
Date: Thu Nov 6 00:16:25 1997
Andrew Williamson wrote:

> In message <34608D32.41F38EC4@nti.it>, Marco Magnano <marcmag@nti.it>
> writes
> >I would like to remind that here in Europe the SSB band goes from
> 7.040
> >to 7.100
> >The band 7.000 to 7.040 is only CW. Using SSB on that sub-band
> exactly
> >the same
> >of transmitting from stateside below 7.100 on SSB.
> WRONG !!!!!  My UK license does not say this.  I can *LEGALLY*
> transmit
> SSB (or CW/RTTY etc) ANYWHERE between 7.000 and 7.100.  I'm sure a
> number of EU countries are the same as the UK.

Sure Andrew, I know the law but I feel myself member of amateur
communityand I consider amateur rules exactly like the state law

> Now you've got it..... BANDPLAN....   A bandplan is NOT a legally
> binding rule in most EU licenses.  It's only a gentlemans agreement,
> but
> we all know what happens to the 'gentlemen' during an SSB contest ;-)

Well Andrew I like to deal with gentlemen in my life.If WWDX is not for
gentlemen then it is not for me.
A plaque or a piece of paper in the wall is not worth all this

> Personally, I don't agree with SSB below 7.040, but unless they are
> breaking the law of their country (which they are not in the UK) there
> is very little that can be done about it.  Also (unfortunately) there
> is
> nothing in the rules of CQWW SSB about respecting the bandplans.  That
> means they weren't breaking any contest rules, and thus cannot be
> disqualified on those grounds.

Yes there is a way.We "gentlemen" must convince the organizer to add the
following sentence to
the final declaration of our summary sheet:
" and I have operated my station under the IARU rules and in respect of
my region bandplan"
CQ is an amateur radio magazine and it must follow the amateur community
Do they want anarchy? I am sure they want the best for the future of our

           PLEASE NO FLAMES...........I am a good guy....;)

Marco Magnano



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