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[CQ-Contest] [DX] Instantaneous QSLs online!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] [DX] Instantaneous QSLs online!
From: goran@tjansteforbundet.se (Göran Fagerström)
Date: Tue Aug 19 18:24:09 1997
Instantaneous QSLs online!

An interesting idea - the SK0UX QSL Server - has been developed here.
You may search logs for your QSOs on the Internet, then download QSLs
and print them immediately.

We believe this is a first and the concept has already generated a lot
of interest. People have been commenting on the enormous potential
savings for active stations.

Special event calls SK0HQ and SK0RQ which we have used also are
available at the server, as well as logs of club members. During the
CQ WW CW this fall, the results of our expedition to Cuba (T48RCT)
will be 'uploaded' to Sweden to make QSLs available within hours after

This concept conserves trees, time, and many other good things. Check
it out for yourself at http://ham.te.hik.se/clubs/sk0ux. The QSLs are
typografically the same as a 'snail-mailed' card and may have

Suggestions are very welcome, new ideas are popping up almost
daily; send mail to goran@tjansteforbundet.se


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