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[CQ-Contest] ITU ZONE vs CQ ZONE

Subject: [CQ-Contest] ITU ZONE vs CQ ZONE
From: bogus@does.not.exist.com (bogus@does.not.exist.com)
Date: Sun Jul 13 21:40:09 1997
> A number of stations that Steve (W0UN with K9AN, op) has worked this
> weekend are obviously sending their CQ zone and not their ITU zone.
> Of course "log what you copy" but if they send the wrong zone and it is a
> mult then your score is not correct.

I have had the same, especially zones 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.  Some 
insisted after explaining what the requirements were...

> Is there a concensus of what should be done to keep the score correct 
> when the other station obviously sends the wrong zone?

I would say log the zone he/she  sent, and don't claim the MULT..

-Rein, PA0RCT

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