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[CQ-Contest] Rancho Santa Fe, The Truth!

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Rancho Santa Fe, The Truth!
From: w7zrc@micron.net (Rod Greene)
Date: Sun Mar 30 18:54:00 1997
Dear dr. Bafoofnik,

I know this post is meant in fun. However, IMHO, it's in very poor taste.
Did you see the interview on "60 Minutes" tonight? Let's find a better
topic for poking fun.  Now, how do I envoke the Bafooknik filter on

        73, Rod W7ZRC

>Also he believes the Boring Amateur Radio Club has wanted this coveted
>location in order to dominate future multi-international contests. 
>He said one positive thing that has resulted from this terribly tragedy
>is the shifting of power to the Northen California little gun contesters.
>They have been able to buy up many major stations and properies for pennies
>on a dollar and are now applying for the vacated vanity contest calls. One
>enigma he can't understand is why all the widows, families and neighbors
>are celebrating.
>dr. Bafoofnik
>p.s., Captain Dupa says he no longer drinks Absolute Vodka!
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----- Rod Greene, w7zrc@micron.net, <>< -----

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