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[CQ-Contest] Problem VPED with incerting samples * HELP *

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Problem VPED with incerting samples * HELP *
From: on6zx@hamgate.kc3ol.sound.net (on6zx@hamgate.kc3ol.sound.net)
Date: Fri Mar 14 13:55:00 1997
Hello can anyone tell me how to insert samples into VPED because
before I start up my program,my mike sounds OK but when I run VPED
the sound is gone from my mike..is this normal ??
When I than go to the EDITING VOCAL menu and want to speak in a sample
this won't go and the program hangs.....

How must I do it,must I do it via the LINE IN or just via the MICROFONE
jack from my soundblaster ??

Thanks for reading this....
I have version 1.05 of VPED,maybe there are some bugs in it ??

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  • [CQ-Contest] Problem VPED with incerting samples * HELP *, on6zx@hamgate.kc3ol.sound.net <=