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EMail Gettysburg

Subject: EMail Gettysburg
From: k4sb@avana.net (k4sb@avana.net)
Date: Sat Nov 2 14:14:24 1996
Does anyone know the EMail address of someone high up in the Gettyburg
office. Enough is enough. It's time they started processing manually and
do their damn testing on their own time. 

By the way, the FCC Commissioners have Email boxes at www.fcc.com

I think it's high time they heard from us.


Name: ed sleight
E-mail: k4sb@avana.net
Time: 2:14:24 PM

This message was sent by Chameleon 

>From w5robert@blkbox.COM (Robert)  Sat Nov  2 18:34:00 1996
From: w5robert@blkbox.COM (Robert) (Robert)
Subject: Something Screwy or is it me??
Message-ID: <9611021234.aa04226@blkbox.COM>

> > We get a rather mundane looking certificate #1 Antigua/#2 World
> > At least we hope we get the certificate :-)
> Now there is some incentive to go for #1 World!!!

Interesting.  Even the IG9 boys play S/B and HC8 boys play M/S rather
than challenge the world champs on M/M.   V26B made
a good run at it and had a GOOD signal!
(and as many EA8 entries as we had they could have
gone M/M!)   Can anyone out run Bonaire on M/M ???  Not even a 
half million dollar station next door could do it.  Incentive?
I would say so.   73  Robert WB5CRG

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