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November CQ arrives

Subject: November CQ arrives
From: HENRYPOL@aol.com (HENRYPOL@aol.com)
Date: Mon Oct 28 22:21:05 1996
Stopped by the PO Box this afternoon on the way home from work and found
mixed in with all the pre-Christmas mail order catalogs (Wow! no politcal
contribution requests this time) the November issue of CQ.

Cover photo of N4SU's shack with a fine (as in 'small') writeup on the
contents page.  Sounds like he has some impressive low band antennas.

So take a break between the CQWW SSB and CW SS and read all about the

Contest related items:  The WEETENNA, an electrically shortened milti-band
dipole for 80, 40, 20, & 10 (this might be just the thing for some of you
apartment-dwelling contesters); The Mouse Key (turn your spare computer mouse
into a CW key!  Hey!  Wait a minute, this might be just the thing to get some
of the younger kids involve in sending CW.  They might be scared of your old
key, but every kid is familiar with a computer mouse.  My 10 and 5 year-old
kids grab for the mouse every time they come into the shack when the PC is
on.); Review of the Paragon Technology NEC-Win Antenna Analysis Software;
1996 CQ WPX SSB High-Claimed Scores;  Review of the New Vibroplex Straight
Key (try replacing your PC mouse with one of these :-)); Math's Notes column
- Poor Man's Method for Simple Antenna Pattern Measurements; Contest Calendar
column - the 96 Contest Survey form; and Propagation column - predictions and
tips for the CQ WWDX CW contest.  

Other interesting items:  Review of CAIG Labs DeoxIT D5 Contact Restorer (I
have personnally used CAIG products for years in the highend audio arena.
 Its worth every penny you have to pay; especially when it comes to making
older rigs operate like new); How to Build a Desktop Microphone (another
project for those Radio Shack $1.99 mic elements); The ZL8RI DXpedition;
Antennas & Accessories column - Sommer HF-VHF Discone antenna plus more;
World of Ideas column - classic radio, the "Big Daddy" Hartley; and Bill's
Basics column - Goodies (things for your Christmas list).

New ad for the Patcomm PC-16000 HF transceiver (has anyone tried one of these
yet?; or [Hello Newington!!] how about a QST product review); and Radio
Shack's ad was at least related to ham radio, their HTX-212 two meter rig.

Good luck in the upcoming contest.

73 and good reeding,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL

>From aa0ob@skypoint.com (Greg Fields)  Tue Oct 29 03:54:15 1996
From: aa0ob@skypoint.com (Greg Fields) (Greg Fields)
Subject: Vanity Gate 2 & Zone 37
Message-ID: <m0vI5Fn-00009BC@mirage.skypoint.com>

After constantly repeating that I was Alpha Alpha, and not 
Delta Alpha, all day Saturday in the contest I eagerly
checked the summary of FCC activity on Sunday morning. 
Being in the computer industry I reasoned that they 
would run the "big job" on Saturday when they have more
CPU time to dedicate to the job. Then on Sunday I could
see how K0 or N0 played! But, again I was disappointed. And
to make matters woarse there were mail messages that the whole
thing could be delayed. (They must of had little ant's like me
and were able to check mail and fight to get through the mess 
on 20 at the same time.) Instead of being drawn into the 
rumor mill one more time I called the FCC number. And here's
what the call receiver named Venessa said.

They now hope that by the end of this week they will be able
to run the "job". Yes, she was saying the end of last week 
during the previous week. But, from what she has been told,
if all goes well this week they should be ready to start 
the "job" at the end of the buisness week. She has been told 
nothing about delaying the issuing of Gate 2 calls. She did 
mention that they had been having trouble with the database. So 
there you have it for what it is worth. It sure beats another 
second hand rumor about what the FCC is going to do.

By the way, a big thank you to all those who showed patience and
were polite to my friends 5H3CA and 5H3JA during the pileups 
Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Jon, 5H3CA, had never handled 
a pileup before so it took a little encouragement to get him to
jump in there. Jon is new to radio and has only been on since
last February. We talked quite a bit about how to handle a 
pileup beforehand but, it always sounds so easy until your 
actually in the drivers seat. Both of these guys are missionaries
who took time out of their busy schedules to help out the 
contestors with zone 37 after my enthusiasm caught on with 
them. So with time and a little more coaching they will run
the pileups with ease. For those of you who I heard being 
jerks, shame on you. Is your ego so big that if you arn't
worked on the first call you would rather scare away two 
budding contestors in zone 37 then have to endure such injury to
your fragil self worth? Fortunatly, those types were in the minority
but, it's still hard to listen to such idiots. I was relieved 
that Jon and Jim didn't hear the comments from those individuals. 
I think Jon & Jim are eager to try ARRL DX phone next.

Greg AA0OB      5H3JA via AA0OB, 5H3CA via KB0OZG

Greg Fields AA0OB
Minneapolis, Minnesota

>From donovanf@sgate.com (Frank Donovan)  Tue Oct 29 04:02:49 1996
From: donovanf@sgate.com (Frank Donovan) (Frank Donovan)
Subject: 4 Sq Info
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.961028224535.26997D-100000@jekyll.sgate.com>

Just to set the record straight, the W3LPL 80 meter station uses four full
size 80 meter quads, not a four square.  The previous 80 meter 4-square 
was removed this summer to make room for the new 160M 4-square.  Our quads
always outperformed the old 80M 4-square on transmit, except in the
directions in which we have no quads (Africa/LP VK6, true short path JA --
rare in contests --, and polar paths -- also rare in contests).  We found
the old 80M 4-square to be a very effective receiving antenna, and it will
be reinstalled next summer.

The 80M quads are suspended between four 200 foot towers and use a
square (cubical) -- not diamond -- wire configuration, with
horizontal polarization. 

Here is the full layout of our 80M transmitting antennas:
2 element quad,  50 degree azimuth, top at 170 feet
2 element quad, 165 degree azimuth, top at 135 feet
2 element quad, 215 degree azimuth, top at 170 feet
2 element quad, 290 degree azimuth, top at 170 feet

80M receiving antennas:
Two phased 440 foot Beverages,  45 degree azimuth.
Single wire 580 foot Beverage, 165 degree azimuth.
Single wire 580 foot Beverage, 265 degree azimuth
Single wire 580 foot Beverage, 330 degree azimuth.


On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Bill Fisher, KM9P wrote:
> W3LPL and K3LR who are also using 4-squares.  

>From k9vv@indy.net (Fred Kleber K9VV)  Tue Oct 29 05:15:36 1996
From: k9vv@indy.net (Fred Kleber K9VV) (Fred Kleber K9VV)
Subject: 20m Split Follow Up
Message-ID: <327592F8.3F2@indy.net>

Did not mean to imply that working split on 20m DURING THE CQ WW SSB CONTEST 
was either 
good or bad.  Only observed an interesting operating technique and wondered how 
it was at increasing one's enjoyment (often, but not always, associated with 
score) in the contest.  

Topics like this make for interesting discussion on the CONTEST reflector.  Any 
creative ways of increasing enjoyment in the CONTEST that anyone observed this 

Apologies to anyone who may have took it the wrong way.  "We now return the 
masses to the 
regularly scheduled drivel..."

Fred Fubar, K9VV

>From n6bfm@avana.net (Bob Furzer)  Tue Oct 29 05:02:34 1996
From: n6bfm@avana.net (Bob Furzer) (Bob Furzer)
Subject: 20M split .. more
Message-ID: <>

Y'all wrote blah, blah ...

Here we have a different interpretation of 20M split during the contests -
We split the power between the two 20M aerial systems.  The Stack continues
to point toward the DX location we're interested in, and the low (preferably
35 ft) tri-bander is pointed toward the source of the domestic QRM.

This year we successfully improved the well tried (as described above) 20M
split.  Rather than dividing the power equally between the aerial systems,
we used separate transceivers (kind of like a variation of the Multi single
category - see note below) and amplifiers to each of the aerial systems.
Experimentation showed that setting the two transmitters somewhere between
300 - 500 Hz off frequency was the optimum split (on 20M) for eliminating
the QRM.


Multi-single category is for those who are single operators (assisted or
unassisted - who cares if you work Mexico on your own, or get the tip of
Packet) who use multiple transmitters simultaneously.  

Entrancements on the drawing board for next year include the use of Svetlana
Tubes in the Amplifiers.  This is in an effort to replicate the 5x9 +50Khz
signals from Russia, and to generate the effects of Arctic Flutter on our
transmitted signal.

>From n6ig@netcom.com (Jim Pratt)  Tue Oct 29 05:41:18 1996
From: n6ig@netcom.com (Jim Pratt) (Jim Pratt)
Subject: Sweepstakes
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9610282157.A11715-0100000@netcom22>

       The W6GO 1995 CW Sweepstakes Story

I have operated W6GO for many years in the ARRL November
Sweepstakes contest.  Many years ago, I had a large number of
QSOs deleted from my log...so many that I went down a tremendous
amount in the national standings.  Upon inquiring about why there
were so many QSOs deleted, I was sent a list of =93errors=94 that I
had made in my log.  However, I could do nothing to dispute these
=93errors=94 as I had no evidence to the contrary.  Of course, in my
mind, I was sure that I hadn'=92t made the mistakes attributed to
me, but I could do nothing about it.

Ever since that time, I have video and audio tape recorded every
Sweepstakes contest.  Besides being good ammunition to show to
unwanted houseguests, it makes for interesting comparison when
=93errors=94 are alleged in my logs.  I use a stereo VCR, with each
channel recording one of the two radios I use for SS.  I also
focus a camera on the operating position to show I do not use
packet, do not listen during off times, and do not otherwise
cheat.  I list the fact that I have these recordings available on
my SS summary sheet, and always encourage the log checker to
contact me for transcriptions of these tapes before concluding I
made an =93error=94.  Ever since doing this recording, I have had NO
QSOs deleted from my logs...that is, until 1995.

In the 1995 CW Sweepstakes, I was very pleased to submit a score
of 1436 QSOs and 77 multipliers.  In the high-claimed score list,
I was fifth place in the contest, 19 QSOs ahead of KI3V, the
closest competitor in the Pacific Division.  I was sure I had the
Division record =93in the bag=94, given the wide margin between the
two scores.  So imagine my surprise when I learned that W6GO
placed  SECOND in the Division, two QSOs behind KI3V, in the
final results.  And I was further surprised to see that, of the
ten stations in the =93top ten=94 box, eight had QSOs deleted and two
had none deleted...KI3V and N6UR, the two other Pacific Division

I sent off a FAX to the league on April 13, attention Billy Lunt.
I requested a detailed list of my =93errors=94, telling him I would
be comparing them against my audio tape transcription.  Hearing
no response to this request, I resent the FAX on April 23;  I
then received an e-mail confirmation of receipt a couple of days

In early May, I received a letter from Warren Stankiewicz, NF1J,
detailing the listing of =93errors=94 in the W6GO log.  The letter
claimed I had 13 =93bad exchanges=94 and two =93bad calls=94.  For each
=93bad exchange=94, that QSO was deleted;  for each =93bad call=94 that
QSO plus three penalties was deleted.  This added up to the 21
QSOs lost from the log.

I fired up the VCR and began to listen to the tapes.  The first
=93error=94 was a QSO with W4NTI.  The league says the precedence
should have been =93B=94, while I had =93A=94 in my log.  The trouble
is...here was W4NTI on the tape, clearly sending precedence
=93A=94...something is wrong with this picture!  I then listened to
all the rest, and only found one other discrepancy between my
tape and the league=92s =93error list=94.  W3DAD had sent me precedence
=93A=94, while the league said it should have been =93B=94.

I wrote letters to both W4NTI and W3DAD, asking them to confirm
that I had correctly copied what was sent.  I got those letters
back, each one saying I had logged the correct exchange.  W4NTI
said that he had TVI on 15 meters and couldn=92t run his amp, so he
sent everyone =93A=94 that worked him on 15.  W3DAD simply said
=93sorry for the goof=94.

Armed with this, I wrote another letter to Mr. Lunt; this was
mailed on June 17. In the letter, I pointed out the two QSOs that
were incorrectly deleted from the W6GO log, and asked that they
be reinstated immediately.  I also raised the question about how
it could be that only EIGHT stations in the top ten had any QSOs
deleted, and that TWO had =93golden logs=94.  While this is certainly
possible, it seemed unlikely.
I received no response to this letter.  On August 8, I wrote to
Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, asking for him to intervene on my behalf.  I
also was keeping my Division director and vice-director advised
of the situation.  This resulted in my receiving a letter from
K1ZZ dated August 29, saying he had referred the matter to K8CH
for action and resolution.

On September 14, I received a letter from Billy Lunt.  In that
letter, he stated that he was =93giving me the benefit of the
doubt=94 and reinstating the two lost QSOs as I had requested.  He
had also written to W4NTI and W3DAD and received the same
responses that I had forwarded to the league.   After that score
increase, W6GO now tied KI3V in the Pacific Division.  I had
succeeded in my quest, doing what many said was absolutely


Was it worth the effort?  Well, who can say...I felt cheated, and
I felt I had a golden opportunity to test the system.  I am
pleased to report that I got what I asked for, and that there
appears to be some justice in the system.

Is it possible for two stations in the top ten to have =93golden
logs=94?  I wish I could answer this question.  My gut tells me
=93absolutely not=94, but I have no way to prove or disprove this.  I
have no choice but to trust in the league=92s contest branch.
Perhaps KI3V and KR6X (the operator of N6UR) will someday make
their logs available to public scrutiny;  until that time, who

Will I tape record this year=92s contest?  ABSOLUTELY!  It is worth
the time and effort to have this sort of evidence available.  In
a recent NCJ article, KR2Q says it is a =93waste of time to record
contests=94, since you will never be able to do anything with it.
I believe I have disproved this notion!


* Dust off that stereo VCR and record the contest...especially if
you think you will be in the top ten;

* Request a list of your =93errors=94 from the league once the
results are published.  Compare them to the tape;

* Challenge log checking mistakes made by the league;

* Admit your own mistakes to yourself and your peers;

* Have fun in the contest!

73, Jim Pratt  N6IG


>From jkulkki@NCSPMR04ES.ntc.nokia.com (Kulkki Jari NTC/PMR)  Tue Oct 29 
>06:15:31 1996
From: jkulkki@NCSPMR04ES.ntc.nokia.com (Kulkki Jari NTC/PMR) (Kulkki Jari 
Subject: About the qsl routes
Message-ID: <1996Oct29.081200.1604.553213@ntcit-mmta7.ntc.nokia.com>

Before you mail your requests, two corrections to the Dieter's
list of CQWWSSB qsl managers published earlier on this reflector;

XX9X     ( M/M 8500 Q's) via  OH2BH  (callbook address in Finland)
XY1U     NOT VIA  OH2BH  (pls check the route elsewhere)

Jari, OH1EB

>From garyk9gs@solaria.sol.net (Gary Schwartz)  Tue Oct 29 06:28:21 1996
From: garyk9gs@solaria.sol.net (Gary Schwartz) (Gary Schwartz)
Subject: 20M split .. more
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9610290019.G6593-c100000@solaria.sol.net>

On Tue, 29 Oct 1996, Bob Furzer wrote:

> Y'all wrote blah, blah ...
> Here we have a different interpretation of 20M split during the contests -
> We split the power between the two 20M aerial systems.  The Stack continues
> to point toward the DX location we're interested in, and the low (preferably
> 35 ft) tri-bander is pointed toward the source of the domestic QRM.
> This year we successfully improved the well tried (as described above) 20M
> split.  Rather than dividing the power equally between the aerial systems,
> we used separate transceivers (kind of like a variation of the Multi single
> category - see note below) and amplifiers to each of the aerial systems.
> Experimentation showed that setting the two transmitters somewhere between
Oh, nice to see that you are admitting to breaking the contest rules by
using two transmitters simultaneously on the same band.  I hope that the
CQ log checkers DQ your entry right away.

Besides the above admission, what you are flapping your lips about in your
post boils down to unsportsmanlike conduct and causing intentional
interference.  Additionally, I would bet that your signal sounded like
crap. This is ***JUST*** the kind of ammunition that the anti-contesting
crowd needs.

I just spent the entire weekend on 20M.  Believe me, the band was plenty
full of QRM and lousy signals.  You don't need to add to the problem with
your childish games.  

Grow up.

Gary K9GS 
  /       K9GS       |______________________________
 /   FP/K9GS, TO5M   |Society of Midwest Contesters |____________________
(                    |   garyk9gs@solaria.sol.net   |Secretary/Treasurer/
 \   Gary Schwartz   |   K9GS@WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM    | Greater Milwaukee/
  \__________________|     PacketCluster: NB9C      |  DX Association (
                   (________________________________|       GMDXA      \
                              KNOW CODE !         (_____________________\

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