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80M short yagi's

Subject: 80M short yagi's
From: mmeehan@wlv.hp.com (Mike Meehan)
Date: Thu Oct 3 10:03:12 1996
I'm looking for comments on KLM or M^2 yagi's.

How do they play at 110' The only reference I have
now is the info in John Devoldere's book. My plan
is to put one on a big crank-up, so wind survival
is not such a big issue (unless of course we have
a windstorm on the contest weekend). (Anyway I 
dont think the peak wind speed has topped 40 mph 
since they have been keeping records.)

Experience with:
         height vs performance?
         number of elements--is a 3rd ele worth it?
         for fun, fixed vs crank-up tower headaches?
         is the Force antenna too short?

Summary to those interested...

Respondents please indicate if you want your comments
anonymous in the summary.

Kindest Regards,
-Mike (AK6N)

>From k6pu@volcano.net (Ken Anderson)  Thu Oct  3 17:15:45 1996
From: k6pu@volcano.net (Ken Anderson) (Ken Anderson)
Subject: California QSO Party (CQP)
Message-ID: <01BBB10B.8A3B0160@default>

The October CQ Magazine has some incorrect information about the 1996 =
CQP.  The contest is this weekend.
Begins: 1600 UTC 5 October - Ends: 2200 UTC 6 October.

Although I've processed the logs for the last 4 years, I'm not this =

The correct address to send your log is:
c/o Al Maenchen AD6E
3330 Farthing Way
San Jose, CA 95132

e-mail to:  cqp@contesting.com

For those that have sent a request to me via US Mail as the CQ write-up =
says, they have/will be answered.  No need to send a separate request to =

If the you forget and mail your log to my address, don't worry it will =
be forwarded to Al.

73, Ken K6PU


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